7 Things To Spend More Money On If You Can

I advocate minimalism and simple living, leading me to want to save money as much as possible on things that don't add value to my life. However, there are things that I believe we should spend more money on.

The things I've listed may seem to be things you can skimp on, but they are more important than you would typically think. 

Here are seven things where to spend more money on, especially if you have the budget for it.

Crop Man Standing Near Cash Machine
Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels.com

Table of Contents

1. Beddings

You may not yet feel the importance of having a good mattress and pillows in your 20s because your body is still sturdy, but give it time until you're in your 30s, and you will know what I'm talking about.

A good mattress is relatively expensive because its materials are not too hard or soft and will easily cost more than P15,000.

However, if you think about the time you spend sleeping or just lying down, investing a bigger amount in it only makes sense.

Having a good bed with soft pillows will improve your sleep and give you the much-needed rest of the morning, giving you better physical health.

Remember to invest good money on where you rest and sleep, as much as you want to spend on your phone. You'll feel the difference immediately, I promise.

2. Travel

Travel may seem like an unnecessary expense for some, but it is crucial in our personal development, especially if you're younger and can move faster.

Traveling outside your hometown will open your eyes to new horizons, different types of people, and their lifestyles.

It doesn't even have to be outside the country or a faraway province in the Philippines, just far away enough to see the difference of perspective.

So, if you're traveling for a vacation or recreation, you'll want to spend a good amount on where you'll rest and what you'll want to experience, which will cost you money.

Remember that traveling is not to get clout for social media but can be a life-changing immersion.

3. Continuous Education

Have you ever heard people say why you should spend money on books and seminars when you can get it all on YouTube for free?

If you think about it, there is an immense difference between studying physically at school and a Zoom session.

So, if you want to grow continuously, then you have to invest money in self-improvement activities and materials constantly.

Books, for instance, can be downloaded illegally online for free. However, if you want to learn, you'll have to invest money to buy these books. You're also more likely to read them if you bought them.

On the other hand, you'll learn by attending seminars and conferences the fusion of many ideas that were synthesized for you and ready for application.

Remember that you will never improve if you don't continuously educate yourself.

4. Food

Food is one of our basic needs; without it, we will die. However, with most of the food today processed, then we're like a ticking timebomb of various lifestyle diseases.

Knowing this, you should buy healthier food as much as possible, like vegetables, fruits, and fish.

Though these foods are costlier than your average fast food, especially if you're living alone in Metro Manila, it's still a good investment.

Cut back on canned goods, noodles, processed foods, and red meat, and increase your healthier food intake.

Remember that our health is like a piggy bank. What we put into it will most likely be what we'll get, maybe not now, but soon.

5. Shoes

I often cut back on spending too much on clothes unless necessary. However, I spend a good amount when buying shoes, especially since I'm usually walking and running.

I'm not talking about the overpriced sneakers, but the everyday shoes you'll often wear in the office, at school, or during a basketball game.

Buying a good pair of shoes is even more crucial if you have an over- or under-pronation on your feet since it can damage your knees.

Remember, it's okay to buy good shoes that will last a little longer than cheaper shoes that can easily be damaged in just a few mo

6. Household Appliances

Whenever you buy household appliances, you must put the thought and money into it because you wouldn't want to buy a mid-brand that would not last for at least five years.

I believe four household appliances are essential for convenient living, and each one is a little bit pricy.

However, it would help to consider the added cost of buying unreliable appliances, especially the run-on-the-mill items on e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Lazada.

So, if you have the extra cash to buy a good and reliable appliance brand, feel free to invest in something that will last much longer.

Remember, household appliances are usually big and bulky, and taking them for repairs is the hassle you'll put yourself into if you don't buy good brands.

7. Ergonomic Chair

With many jobs today relying on spending hours sitting on a chair, especially if you're working from home, having a good ergonomic chair is necessary.

Sitting may not seem harmful, but the inactivity throughout the day can hurt your body in the long run.

You may not feel its effect in your 20s, but once you enter your 30s, your aching back will tell you, "This is all on you."

So, if you can buy a good ergonomic chair that suits your work and lifestyle, don't hesitate to spend a little more on it.

Remember, if you're spending eight hours sitting down, then spending a little more on it is a welcome upgrade.

Final Thought

Spending money on seemingly unimportant things can sometimes feel wasteful. However, you should think about the expense in a longer-term perspective.

The important thing is to prioritize your needs and wants appropriately and gradually increase your spending based on where your life is.